Thursday 25 August
My daughter, France, must hold tight to
the faith she has built up in Me in this time. She is being swallowed up in her
lack of it in these days.
I appeal to you, France, open your
churches and return to them in these days.
But, most of all, become the humble daughter you once were. Humble yourself and put on sackcloth and
ashes and I will Save you.
Once, you stood at the helm of faith,
pure, untouched. Now, you are naked
and scarred. Your liberalism has
cost you your faith. The darkness
within you has beaten you.
Come to Me.
Begin again, for soon it will be too
Thursday 25 August
My children, see My children as they
run from Me into the arms of lucifer, see them as they lose their souls through
deception and self.
Are you like them, children?
Is self the influence that keeps you
from Me?
Have you given over your soul to the
evil one because you do not wish to fight him for Me?
Oh, My children, I call to you to see
what you are doing. I do not call
you to wrap yourselves in self but to be free of self for there lies the freedom
that man seeks. It is the freedom
that he has mistakenly pushed away in favour of the pleasures of the world. Seek only to die to self and all within
it that lucifer uses it for. I Come
soon. I Come to seek those who are
Blessed in My Name, those who walk in My Truth and not a self version of
Man has twisted even My Truth into a
sweetness that blinds them to the real Truth: Love.
Love, My children, for when you do you
will see the Truth for what it is and not what you think it should be. Many of you are far removed from
Wednesday 31 August
Trust, I
say trust in Me, My children, and do not be afraid for I am with you in this,
your time of need.
Believe you
are Mine and that I will look after My own.
Believe in
Me, your God.
I know,
children, you find it hard to believe in Someone you cannot see but, look,
children, at the wind. You cannot
see it but you believe it is the wind that moves the trees and the grass.
I am the
same. Look for My effects as I
guide you through these troubled waters in the same way as the ocean currents
guide a boat.
Trust in Me
and believe.
Trust in
I Love
Thursday 1 September
From Jesus
My little ones, remember that I, the
God of Israel, have sent David into battle with Goliath, I have sent a small
army to face a great and mighty army and the victory was
I send you out with victory assured
into the world at this time.
The Light shines from Me into you and
diffuses to those to whom I wish to speak.
In your voices and instruments, I Am.
Trust in Me for, at this time, your
trust is far from Me and without Me you have lost the battle.
Tenderly, I give My Graces to
I created My Light to shine and I have
borne you through many battles, to your eyes, unseen.
I Am is with you,
I Am is holding you in the Palm of His
I Am is with
Fear not!
As I calmed the storm from the boat, I
calm your storms from your hearts:
Be still!
When you feel that the battle will
overwhelm you, glance behind you, I Am is with you.
From Mary
Light of My Son,
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