mercoledì 28 settembre 2016

Peres' funeral

World leaders mourn loss of Shimon Peres
President Barack Obama pays tribute to Peres’s ability to ‘change the course of human history'; other prominent leaders from the world over pay their respects to the last of Israel's founding fathers.
Dozens of statements of condolences were issued Wednesday following the death of Israel’s ninth President and former Prime Minister Shimon Peres, who passed away overnight Tuesday after a two-battle having suffered a stroke.

US President Barack Obama released a statement in which he praised Peres for his visions of peace, decribed him as the very essene of Israel and referred to him as a friend.

“There are few people who we share this world with who change the course of human history, not just through their role in human events, but because they expand our moral imagination and force us to expect more of ourselves. My friend Shimon was one of those people,” Obama’s statement began.

President Barack Obama and Shimon Peres (Photo: AFP) (Photo: AFP)
President Barack Obama and Shimon Peres (Photo: AFP)

A large delegation of American officials are expected to arrive in Israel to attend Peres’s funeral with President Obama, including former US President Bill Clinton.
“Tonight, Michelle and I join people across Israel, the United States and around the world in honoring the extraordinary life of our dear friend Shimon Peres—a Founding Father of the State of Israel and a statesman whose commitment to Israel's security and pursuit of peace was rooted in his own unshakeable moral foundation and unflagging optimism. I will always be grateful that I was able to call Shimon my friend,” the statement continued.,7340,L-4860743,00.html

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