domenica 25 settembre 2016

the Angelic Army on your side


by Lana
By Lana Vawser
The story of Elisha and his servant in the battle with the nation of Aram attacking Israel has been BURNING on my heart.
A brief overview of the story... Israel was being attacked time and time again by the nation of Aram. God would tell Elisha what the plans of attack were drafted by the King of Aram and Israel would win time and time again. When the King of Aram found out about this, he sent out an army to go and capture him. So Elisha's servant wakes up in the morning and sees that they are completely surrounded by a huge army. So Elisha's servant goes to Elisha freaking out about the army surrounding them and what does Elisha tell him in 2 Kings 6:16:17
"Don't be afraid" Elisha told him "For there are more on our side than on theirs! Then Elisha prayed "O Lord, open his eyes and let him see!" The Lord opened the young man's eyes, and when he looked up, he saw that the hillside around Elisha was filled with horses and chariots of fire."
As you continue to read on in the story in verse 18 onwards Elisha prays that the Lord would make the enemy army blind, and the Lord struck them with blindness and Elisha led them out of the city and led them to Samaria. Once they entered Samaria, Elisha prayed for the Lord to open their eyes, and He did and they all discovered they were in Samaria. The King of Israel made a feast for them, fed them and sent them home and verse 23 says "After that, the Armean raiders stayed away from the land of Israel."
The Lord has been showing me the level of opposition coming against God's people lately. Many feel like they are completely surrounded and there have been relentless hits and now the army of opposition around them feels bigger than ever and fear, discouragement and despair has come in.
Today I heard the Lord say: "My people ask Me to open your eyes to see the angelic army on your side to assist you into victory."
The enemy is telling many that they are alone and greater is his army against you than the army of heaven with you.
As you ask Him to open your eyes, you are going to SEE the magnitude of the invisible angelic army that has been assigned to you from the Lord to assist you into victory. You are going to see PAST the impossibility to the REALITY of what is happening in the Spirit.. and over your life.. it is VICTORY! You have MORE angelic hosts FOR YOU and ON YOUR SIDE than what is coming against you.
The Lord spoke to me again, and He said that many of you have been in what feels like "the battle of your life" and once you step into this victory (which is going to be soon!) you will move into a level of insight and partnering with the Lord in divine strategy to see a CONTINUAL MOMENTUM OF VICTORY and many of the armies of hell that have continually come against you to kill you, they are about to be sent away once and for all. As you walk in the divine war-strategy of heaven, seeing the angelic armies that are FOR YOU and ON YOUR SIDE, the VICTORY that has been decreed in the spirit over your life and situation, a blindness and confusion will be sent upon the enemy as you implement the strategy of heaven.
Where there are those around you who have cursed you, the Lord is going to give you the victory and in the "walking out the victory", He is going to develop a greater heart in you to "bless those who curse you and pray for those who mistreat you". (Luke 6:28)
Remember Ephesians 6:12 "For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places."
What you are wrestling against are territorial spirits, principalities, the enemy and his army, but God has ALREADY DECREED your VICTORY and He is about to OPEN YOUR EYES TO SEE the army of angels WITH YOU, FOR YOU, ON YOUR SIDE and ASSISTING YOU INTO VICTORY!!!!
Where there has been "the greatest battle of your life", you are now moving into "the greatest victory of your life". Not only will the victory flag of joy be lifted high, but your SPIRITUAL SIGHT is about to increase SIGNIFICANTLY. You are being trained in greater insight, sensitivity and partnering with the Lord in His "war-stragies" and you will step into a "momentum of victory".

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